A Hymn From My Heart: Healing and Help From a Lucid Dream
Recently, in an exchange between myself and one of our DreamStar Community members we recognized and acknowledged how dreamwork and dream sharing has the capacity to “keep on giving.” It is my hope that my sharing here will be supportive in some capacity to your own process of healing and unfolding, particularly as it relates to dreamwork. (See DreamStar.Community) I’ve been going through a bit of a personally challenging period lately, yet soldiering on. That is, until the inevitable “last straw,” which was, typically, not in itself overwhelming. Concurrent with both external and internal challenges, I’ve also been processing multiple streams of learning. I believe this brief, but very lovely lucid dream came to offer integrative support, insight and guidance when I needed it. As a set up for appreciating the integrative nature of this dream, let me briefly outline several divergent threads that were artfully interwoven for me by this dream: —I grew up loving Jesus, supported by a grandmother who also loved Jesus and embodied His Graciousness, as well as the primary messages of Grace and Love that were a portion of my early church experience at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. —I’ve been blessed to have multiple profound experiences of Christ, some including music. He’s a living Presence to me. —Lucid dreaming has also been a portion of my life since childhood. —Recently, like others, I’ve been touched and inspired by The Dreams That Shape Us podcast (Season 3, Episode 1), which featured Scott Sparrow speaking on experiences of Light in dreams. —As the primary host to DreamStar Community, and following some conversation with Scott about this subject, I then added the Dreams & Spiritual Practice “space” to our DreamStar Community, to be developed further, and which I’ve been “percolating” on. —I’ve had a previous Light dream involving my heart. (DS Community members see posting in “Impactful Dreams.”) —I have a very private, personal intention to one day write my memoirs entitling it, “Music in My House.” —The day before this dream I responded to a Facebook posting that was a bit heartbreaking to me, and which was critical of a portrait of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. —I’ve been carrying a lot lately…and then a dear loved one and I got into a conflict (the proverbial “last straw”) which caused me to crumble. But then this dream comes… It’s actually morning time and usually I would have been up and getting busy. But, I’ve fallen back asleep after lying awake processing and being quite tearful. There is gentle music rising from my heart even as it ever so softly glows with golden light. I become lucid and now there are three things happening simultaneously—this activity from my heart, my lucid observing self and another expression of me that is singing along with the music. My lucid observing self gasps as I realize what is happening—my heart is aglow again, my being has music coming from it, and this is my grandmother’s tune! (“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”) The experience ends as I shift toward full wakefulness, but I lay in the quiet for awhile savoring it. Next, I reached for my phone on the nightstand and found a version of this hymn that I thought would adequately capture the gentleness of the experience. Reviewing the lyrics, it was clear to me that they also were bringing me support and guidance. I’m very much a woman of prayer; I have been my entire life. This hymn was just what I needed to connect the “roots” of my upbringing with the current “wings” of my unfolding journey, as well as simply bringing encouragement and edification at a time when I needed it. There’s still more for me to unpack with it, I’m sure! I’m hoping that my sharing it here will add to the shared “conversation” where it is relevant, or rather perhaps to more than one shared conversation!! Warmly, 🌹Kim+